Design Patterns


Since turning in a Java code challenge (mentioned in a previous post) I've been familiarizing myself with design patterns. I realized they kept coming up while reading up on Java-- there's been a few blogs and YouTube channels that have been pretty good at showing overall Java goodness, but I snagged the following from Derek Banas, check him out here.

I tend to forget things so I figure throwing a little post up with main pointers of what makes what... I got something to check out for a referesher later on.

3 categories: Creational, Behavorial, Structural

Creational Patterns I came across: Strategy, Observer, Factory, Abstract, Singleton, Builder, Prototype.

Strategy Pattern lets algorithms vary independently from clients that use it; define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, make them interchangeable.

Observer Pattern: object called subject maintains a list of dependents called observers and notifies them automatically of any state changes, usually by calling one of their methods.

Factory Pattern: allows you to create objects without specifying the exact class of object that will be created.

Abstract Factory Pattern: similar to factory, except everything is encapsulated.

  • methods that order objects
  • factories that build objects
  • final object; final object contains object that uses strategy pattern
  • composition object class fields are object

Singleton Pattern is used when you want to eliminate the option of instantiating more than one object

Builder Pattern: used to create objects made from a bunch of other objects

  • when you want to build an object from other objects
  • when you want the creation of those parts to be independent of the main object
  • hide the creation of the parts from the client so both aren't dependent
  • the builder knows the specifics and nobody else does

Prototype Pattern:

  • creates new objects (instances) by cloning (copying) other objects
  • allows for adding of any subclass instance of a known super class at run time
  • when there are numerous potential classes that you want to only use if needed at run time
  • reduces the need for creating subclasses

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